Complaints & Compliments

If you would like to provide feedback about your experience with The Online Therapists, we are certainly open to it. Your feedback allows us to improve our services.

Everyone involved with The Online Therapists works with a passion for helping people. This also applies when things are not going well in the treatment. So please discuss it!

We also love to hear positive experiences! You always have the opportunity to share your thoughts, ideas, or suggestions for improvement with us.

Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint, are dissatisfied with the treatment, the manner in which you were treated, or decisions made during your treatment, we ask you to discuss this with us as soon as possible. We adhere to the Dutch Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz). Often, complaints can be resolved satisfactorily in an initial contact.

If you are dissatisfied or have a complaint, we suggest the following steps:

First, discuss the situation with your therapist. Our experience is that this is usually sufficient to resolve the issue. If you cannot resolve it together, contact the Clinical Coordinator of The Online Therapists. This is Stella van Schaik, and she can be reached at She will work with you to find a solution. If this does not yield the desired result, you can contact the director of The Online Therapists (Niek Rosens). He can be reached at If this also does not yield the desired result, you can turn to an independent party we are affiliated with: is an external organization that helps resolve dissatisfaction and complaints about the care we provide. If you have shared your complaint or dissatisfaction with them, will assess whether it meets the conditions for processing and which procedure is appropriate. If information is missing or unclear, they will contact you to complete it and ensure that the complaints procedure is properly started. Do you need advice on how to handle a situation you are dissatisfied with? You can also contact for that. This does not start a procedure yet. Submit your complaint through the complaints form on the website. You can also send an email to If you are unsure which complaints procedure applies to you, can help with that as well. The goal remains to resolve dissatisfaction and complaints.

For general questions, you can always contact us at our general email address:

Hi! How can we help you?