If something is wrong with your car, you go to a garage. If the faucet is leaking, you call a plumber. And if your back hurts, you go to a doctor. But with which problem do you actually go to a therapist? Or when do you get online therapy? A therapist helps you with inner problems. Sometimes these problems are hard to recognize or define. So, what can a therapist actually help you with?

Psychological symptoms

All kinds of symptoms that have to do with your inner self fall under the expertise of a therapist. These do not have to be all-embracing, serious complaints. Trust your own intuition: do you simply feel that you cannot work something out yourself? Then a therapist can already offer a solution. In fact, the sooner you raise the alarm, the better. Every day a therapist speaks to all kinds of patients with the most diverse complaints. Your request for help is nothing to be ashamed of.

Common symptoms

Of course, there are some mental health symptoms or disorders that psychologists deal with on a regular basis. For example:

  • stress, overwork or burn-out
  • lethargy, fatigue, or sleep problems
  • gloominess or depression
  • relationship problems
  • trauma
  • insecurity or fear
  • loss or grief

Perhaps you recognize yourself in one of these categories, but that does not have to be the case. Vague complaints, such as the feeling of being ‘stuck’ or ‘losing yourself’ are often discussed in a therapist’s office. Issues of meaning also fall into this category of vague complaints.

How can a therapist help?

Each therapist has a repertoire of treatment methods at his or her disposal. These include various interviewing techniques and behavioral therapy, but hypnosis is also among the options available to some therapists. Which methods are used depends on the expertise of the therapist, the preference of the patient, and the nature of the symptoms. But regardless of the methods used, a therapist always tries to offer you the following:

  • Knowledge: a therapist can give you reading tips or forward interesting links so that you can increase your knowledge about your specific symptoms.
  • Perspective: a therapist gives you an outsider’s perspective on your situation. When you are in the middle of a situation, it is sometimes difficult to see things clearly. This outsider’s perspective can be very enlightening and give you new insights.
  • Confrontation: over the years you have undoubtedly acquired certain characteristics, habits, or patterns which you have come to take for granted. A therapist confronts you with this and makes you realize that sometimes, if necessary, things can be done differently.
  • Possibilities: a therapist will give you as much concrete advice as possible that you can really get started with. Behaviors to try out, habits to learn, and activities to undertake. In this way, you can actively work on improving your situation.

What does a therapist need?

A therapist needs you! Therapy works best if you are as open as possible. This can be incredibly difficult. Especially in the beginning, when you don’t know your therapist very well. Or if you have problems you’d rather not talk about. But a therapist can only work with you if he or she knows who you are, what you think, and how you feel. The effectiveness of the therapy is therefore largely dependent on you.

Still unsure if a therapist can help you? Just ask! Our registration coordinator knows exactly what is possible and what therapist from our network is best suited for you. If your question falls under the expertise of another therapist, then a therapist can always inform you about this and possibly refer you.


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